Dreamlabs make dreams come true
Start-Ups are never as easy to start up as you think. Once you come up with an idea that “has legs” after you socialise the concept with family and friends you need to set about making your dream a reality.
People don’t plan to fail – they fail to plan – a well thought through business plan is a critical success factor for any start-up. However, once you embark on your journey to pursue your “crazy crackpot idea” – almost immediately you need to shape, guide and modify your plan to make sure you stay on your path to true north.
Along the way you will encounter what some call problems or challenges, however we like to think of them of as “puzzles” – some big, some small, either solvable by the team or worked around… teamwork makes the dream work – this too is a critical success factor.
Along the way, there will be “errors of judgement” – it’s okay – it’s human to err – it’s only a mistake if you do it twice. We have made many, many errors on our 5-year journey to date, however one decision we fortunately got very right was selecting Dreamlabs as our GPNow platform development partner – despite the associated risk of being based halfway round the world in Bucharest, Romania.

GPNow is a cutting-edge telehealth platform designed, built and operated beautifully thanks to the genius of Petre Patrasc – Founder & MD of Dreamlabs – without doubt the most technically brilliant technician and astute business leader I have had the pleasure to work with in my four decades in the IT Industry.
Following a spell in Dubai where Petre established his credentials as an outstanding Solution Architect, he and his team of talented software engineers have built world-class solutions for many major international brands, multi-nationals in the finance sector, manufacturing and pretty much all other industry verticals – on-time, on-budget (more often than not, under-budget) always on-purpose!
We made a critical decision to run with our Romanian friend’s without doubt in my mind, the most important and best decision we have made on our five year journey. Despite being a “small” client – we are never treated this way, in fact most of the time we are made to feel as though we are their most important client and the “centre of their universe”.
When we have made mistakes on our journey – Dreamlabs have stood side-by-side with us every step of the way, through good times and especially through tough times. Without this level of commitment, I have no doubt our start-up would have joined the ranks of the 9 out of 10 that fail in the pursuit of their dream.
The following examples are two such instances of so many where Dreamlabs have gone the extra yard to help us and our clients.

Ukrainian Crisiscare Telehealth Service

Our Ukrainian CrisisCare Telehealth Service – is a humanitarian effort, connecting Ukrainian doctors to Ukrainian Patients.
Backed by AWS – the technical voracity was a critical consideration for AWS to decide whether the project was technically feasible – thanks to Petre working round-the-clock, we passed the technical due diligence exercise in March 2022 to determine whether the platform was fit for purpose with “flying colours.
AWS, F5, Portainer global technical and security experts endorsed the GPNow platform and the project could proceed.
A more recent example of Dreamlabs innovation and responsiveness related to a “WARTIME RELATED ISSUE”.
Doctors are normally notified by with an SMS message indicating a patient has entered their “virtual waiting room”.

However, in a country in conflict this raises unforeseen challenges – a puzzle our friends at Dreamlabs quickly resolved with a simple, common-sense solution – PRICELESS!
Tatyana Alhamad VOLUNTEER
Hello. We have a surgeon having a problem where occupiers are blocking mobile communications and he will not be able to receive SMS to notify them of patients. Is there another way to notify him? He really wants to help people and said that he would sit in front of his computer for 5 hours and not miss a call.
Rob Hicken CEO
Hi Dragos - would it be possible to add an alarm bell sound when a patient enters a waiting room?
Hi Rob, we need to test it out because we tried this implementation before and could not trigger a sound without browser interaction. We will try it out and see if it works now.
Rob Hicken CEO
Fantastic Dragos - you are a legend my friend - please deploy as soon as possible.
Hi Rob, we successfully deployed the audio alarm when a patient enters a doctors "waiting room". In case SMS is not available you can turn this feature on.
Rob Hicken CEO
Good news, Dragos has deployed the feature. Please let doctors know so they are not surprised when a patient "enters their room"
Tatyana Alhamad VOLUNTEER
Thank you Dragos! It's amazing!!!!

At the end of the day – it comes down to great people doing great things, exceptionally talented people applying their world-class skills to deliver time and time again for their client to make the world a better place.
Multumesc – Petre, Dragos and the Dreamlabs team for making our dream come true!
Will you support us?
To date we have helped more than 1,000 Ukrainian families displaced by the current crisis access FREE medical advice comfort and care
If you’d like to jump on board as a sponsor, please get in touch with us via our website or social channels. Your generous donation could enable us to help thousands more Ukrainians – you could be that shining beacon of hope they so desperately need right now.
“By supporting the needs of humanity, we will find peace.”
Slava Ukraini! (Glory to Ukraine!)